Dear Learner, in this module, you will have an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the basic concepts of grade 11 Mathematics. The module is organized into two modules. The first module introduces you the fundamental concepts of relations, functions and matrices including its definition and functional values. In the second module, you will learn about vectors, transformations of the plane, statistics and probability. The concepts in each unit are discussed systematically and sequentially. In addition, illustrative examples are given so that you can easily understand the concepts presented. while online learning by itself shares many of the fundamental design principles of effective activities, assessments, and interactions used in other learning contexts, it is worth considering the unique set of teaching and learning conditions that the online environment generates. I advise you to work on all these questions as the concepts require repeated exercise to master them
Dear learner,
Welcome to Grade 11 Mathematics Module one!
This module provides a comprehensive knowledge and concept of grade 11 Mathematics starts from relations and functions while the second unit discusses about rational expressions and rational functions but in the third and fourth units you will have to learn about matrices and determinants. Each unit has its own details illustrated in verbal, pictorial and real life explores, To facilitate your understanding, the presentation of contents in the module is supported by in text questions, learning activity questions and self-check exercise questions.
Dear learner, You have to take sufficient time for the study of contents included and do not pass to the next content before mastering the previous one. Finally, I want to assure you that this module is organized from simple to complex supplemented with discussion of adequate examples and exercises with answers are included. Before looking at the answers of activities and self-check exercises, please make sure that you have completed activities and the self-check exercises by your own. This module requires you to spend at least 21 hours of self-study time
Dear Learner,
By the end of this module, you should be able to;
- Define relations and functions;
- Determine the inverse of a given relation;
- Discuss about the types of functions;
- know how to find compositions of functions;
- Sketch the graph of inverse functions
- Appreciate the applications of relations and functions in real life situations
- Define a rational expression
- Know methods and procedures in simplifying rational expressions
- Define rational function
- Develop efficient methods in solving rational equations and inequalities
- Know basic concept and specific facts about rational functions
- Know basic concepts about matrices
- Perform operation on matrices
- Differentiate types of a matrix
- Define inverse of an invertible matrix
- Use elementary row operations to find inverse of square matrices of order 2 and 3
- Define system of linear equations
- Solve linear system of equations by using elementary row operations
- Determine the determinant of a square matrix of order 2
- Find the minor and cofactor of a given element of a matrix
- Calculate the determinate of a square matrix of order 3
- Determine inverse of a square matrix
- Apply Cramer’s rule to solve systems of linear equations solve real life problems by using determinant concept
The module activities are designed to help you elaborate basic terms in this unit, a quire the necessary skill and understanding of each content, and solve similar questions given in the lesson. For ease of use, clicking the provided links will allow you to jump directly to the location of the course where the activity is located.
Unit One
Relations and Functions
Lesson 1: Relations
Lesson 2: Inverse of relations and their graph
Lesson 3: Type of functions
Lesson 4: Composition of functions and their Inverse, Application of relations
Unit Two
Rational Expressions and Rational Functions
Lesson 1: Rational expressions
Lesson 2: Rational equations and rational inequalities
Lesson 3: Rational equations and Their graphs and Applications
Unit Three
Lesson 1: Concept of a Matrix and the Basic Operations
Lesson 2: Special matrices and Elementary row Operations of matrices
Lesson 3: System of Linear equations with two or three variables and their solutions
Lesson 4: Inverse of a square Matrix and Applications
Unit Four
Determinants of Matrices
Lesson 1: Determinants of Matrices of Order 2 and 3
Lesson 2: Properties of Determinants
Lesson 3: Inverse of square matrices, Solutions of system of linear equations and applications
- Quizzes, Tests and assignments
- Mid-term exam
- Final exam
- Mathematics Grade 11 Student Text Book Based On New Curriculum
- Extreme Mathematics For Grade 11-12
- Alpha Mathematics For Grade 11-12
- Galaxy Mathematics For Grade 11-12
- Internet Search
Instructor’s Information
Name: Esubalew Molla
• Email:
• Phone No:+251909069666