Course Description:
This Module has 4 Units. The fifth Unit deals with Theories of Banking and Finance, with in which students will learn various concepts from the Financial Intermediaries up to the role of indigenous financial institutions such as Iqub and Idir. The Sixth Unit deals with the theories and measurements of Economic Growth with in which students will learn various economic growth concepts, from explaining how to measure economic growth to discussing about productivity, measurements in economics.
The seventh unit deals with discussing the overview of the Ethiopian Economy in which various economic situations in Ethiopia will be discussed, from the main sectors of the Ethiopian economy up to being able to write a brief report on Ethiopian economy. The eighth unit deals with Innovation and business startups in which students will learn various business concepts, from defining the term innovation up to conducting a strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat (SWOT) analysis of an existing enterprise.
Course Objective:
There are two things expected from the students. First they should understand the basic theoretical background of each unit. For this, s/he has to refer to the reference lists indicated at the end of each Lessons. The second thing is that students should try to associate the theories with the practical situation in their country. This can be accomplished via the different activities and also by examples that in the Lessons the students exercise.
Assessment Methods:
Brain Storm Questions, Activities, Self Check Questions
Reference Materials:
Down Loadable Offline Materials on each Lessons
Economics For Grade 10 Text Book