Want to start enrolling to our GAT preparation kit ? Please click any one of the module images.
How to enroll for our GAT Preparation kit ?
1. Understand our GAT Preparation Kit
Our Graduate Admission Test (GAT) preparation kit is designed by team of education, mathematics and psychology and logic experts in view of helping Ethiopian graduate school candidates succeed in their Official GAT Test delivered nationally by Ethiopian higher educational institutes which are delegated by the FDRE Ministry of Education.
The Test Preparation kit is organized in three modules; and two model GAT tests. The three modules are Verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, analytic reasoning. In order to succeed in your test, we recommend you should get all the five components of the preparation kit. However, if you have already identified your academic strength and weaknesses, you may consider ordering only one or two of the modules along with the GAT model exams.
2. Select your Course
If you want to enroll to one of our courses, click the START NOW button or the image of the course from the list of courses posted above and click the BUY NOW button again from the course page. The system automatically takes you to the Order Payment page where you will login or register to our system. If you need all the modules you should repeat the same process for all the modules. You can make the total payment later all at once or separately.
3. Sign in to our LMS
If you have already resisted to our system, start by logging the user name and password you have created previously under the Sign in section of the page. If it is your first time to enroll for an online course at Select College, please start by Clicking in Sign up located under the sign in page.
4. Sign Up to our LMS
When clicking the Sign up button, the system opens Sign up page (account creation page) where you are required to provide essential information such as email, username (you can use your name or your father name), a password (Make a combination of Letters, numbers and Cap lock), you name and your father name that will help us create your account and process your payment.
5. Make Mobile payment
After creating your account on the sign up page, you should see Telebirr and CBE bank logos along with payment information. Follow the instruction to make payment. Make sure your typed your phone number in Note to administrator box of the payment section. Check the information you inserted and; click the PLACE ORDER button.
6. Checking Profile Page
Immediately after you click the PLACE ORDER button, you will receive an automated message stating that your order have been received. Now, click the GO TO MY COURSES button to check if your course is active or start learning. will be completed within minutes; and you can start your course immediately.
7. Checking Order Status
If you are not able to access your course or if the contents in the curriculum displays a pad lock sign it means, your course order is being PROCESSED. This may be caused either you did not make payment or our system did not receive your payment and your course is not approved yet. In order to solve this problem, Log out and try again after waiting a minute.
8. Starting Learning
After reloading the page, your course status will display CONTINUE button. When you see the CONTINUE button, click it to start your course. If your course does not show the CONTINUE button for more than 30 minutes of completing your payment, please contact us by calling to our support team at 9521 or 0905-43-3333. Or email us at support@selectmail.edu.et.